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Complaints Policy

At Brixton House, we believe that every voice matters. This complaint policy outlines our commitment to handling concerns in a fair and transparent manner. Your feedback is vital to our continuous improvement, and we aim to create a welcoming environment for everyone.

 How to make a general complaint  

If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so through the following channels: 

  • In Writing: Please send your complaint via email to [email protected] or by post via Brixton House, 385 Coldharbour Ln, London SW9 8GL, detailing the nature of your concern and any relevant information. 
  • In Person: Feel free to speak directly with a designated member of our team. 


To handle your complaint appropriately, we kindly ask for the following information: 

  1. Your name: Individual making complaint.  
  1. Contact information: Email address or phone number for follow-up.  
  1. Date of the complaint: When the complaint was made.  
  1. Nature of the complaint: A brief description of the concern/complaint.  
  1. Details of Incident: Specifics of what occurred including times and locations.  
  1. Witness information: Names of any witnesses, if applicable.  

We aim to acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days, confirming receipt and  

outlining the next steps in the process. An investigation will only be conducted if deemed necessary based on the information provided. If needed, this process may take up to 28 days, and we appreciate your patience as we work to ensure a thorough review. 

Investigation Process 

  1. Initial Review: Your complaint will be logged and reviewed to determine the appropriate course of action. 
  1. Gathering Information: We will collect relevant information, including statements from the complainant and any witnesses. Hence, you might be contacted if further information is required.  
  1. Investigation: A thorough investigation will be conducted, ensuring that everyone involved is treated fairly and respectfully. 

Once the investigation is complete, we will communicate our findings to you in writing, along with any actions taken or recommendations for resolution. Our goal is to provide a detailed response within 28 days, allowing sufficient time for a thorough investigation. 


We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all parties involved in the complaint process. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis to facilitate the investigation. 

Record Retention 

The record of your complaint will be retained for 24 months from the date it was made, in compliance with the Fundraising Regulator’s Good Practice guide. If you wish to have your details and information removed, we will act upon your request in line with data protection regulations. 

Anonymous Complaints 

Brixton House cannot respond to complaints made anonymously. However, we will investigate the complaint and use the information to improve in any way that we can. If the complaint is escalated to the Fundraising Regulator, Brixton House will fully cooperate and consider its recommendations. 

Please note, that the record of the complaint will be retained for 24 months from the date it was made in compliance with the Fundraising Regulator’s Good Practice guide. However, if you wish to have your details and information removed, in line with data protection we will act upon your request.  

How to make a Fundraising Complaint  

If you have a complaint about fundraising activities run by Brixton House or undertaken by a third party, please in the first instance raise it with Brixton House (as directed above). If you are dissatisfied with the response, please refer your complaint within two months (of Brixton House’s final response) to the Fundraising Regulator by visiting their website or by calling 0300 999 3407. The Fundraising Regulator will aim to let you know whether an investigation will go ahead within four weeks of receipt according to its own code of practice. 

Continuous Improvement 

We view every piece of feedback as an opportunity to enhance our practices and services. Trends and insights from complaints will be regularly reviewed to help us improve our approach. 

Thank you for helping us create a better experience for everyone at Brixton House! If you have any questions about this policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out.