Pierce Brosnan in a hard hat on the roof of Brixton House. Pierce Brosnan, photographed by Piers Allardyce.

thank you

Thank you to all those who have supported us in the past and who continue to support our future. We thank you on behalf of all the young people, community members and artists who have benefited from your support. 

Capital campaign founding donors

Michael Bright  
Chris Dixon  
Robin Priest  
William Rathbone OBE  

Public Funding

Arts Council England  
The London Borough of Lambeth  
A New Direction  

Charitable Trusts and Foundations  

Aird Charitable Trust  
Alchemy Foundation  
Boshier-Hinton Foundation  
Chapman Charitable Trust  
Charterhouse Charitable Trust  
Chesterhill Charitable Trust  
David and Claudia Harding Foundation  
Elizabeth Bennett Charitable Trust  
Fernside Trust  
Fitton Trust  
French Huguenot Church of London Charitable Trust  
Gladys Jane Wightwick Charitable Trust  
Network for Social Change  
The Patron’s Fund  
Rachel Charitable Trust  
Alan & Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund  
Shadworth Hodgson Bequest  
Souter Charitable Trust  
Thistle Trust  
TJX UK Foundation  
William Allen Young Charitable Trust  
William Rathbone Family Charitable Trust  
Walcot Foundation  

Capital Campaign Supporters  

 Alex Clarke   
Amanda Campbell   
Angela Hyde-Courtney    
Anton Simon   
Arts Council England   
Barry Cox CBE   
Bonnar Keenleyside   
Brian and Sheila Carter   
Chris Dixon Kenneth Elliot & Rowe   
David Carrington   
Deborah Bestwick   
Esther Leeves   
For Emily Wiffen   
Foster Wilson Architects   
Frederick and Robyn Lyons   
Gay and William Clegg QC   
Howard Loxton   
Ian Plenderleith   
Jeremy Day   
Jon Davies and Deborah Arnott   
Kate Trevelyan Kee   
Katie Milton   
Kirsty and Jeremy Hardie   
London Borough of Lambeth    
Lucy Hannah   
Miles Ruffell   
Oladipo Agboluaje    
Paul Disley-Tindell   
Peter Jay   
Peter Manning   
Pierce Brosnan   
Richer Sounds (London Bridge)   
Roberta Anderson   
Robin and Frances-Gilkes   
Robin Priest   
Shinade Haughton   
Southside Chamber of Commerce   
Storme Toolis   
Victoria Hardie   
William Rathbone OBE  

Supporting our pioneering work in the arts  

Andrew Hill  
Andrew Paterson  
Brian Walters  
Brian Wilson  
Cat Lee  
Clifton Hughes  
David & Helen Crowe  
David Bentley  
David Ricks  
Dennis Armstrong  
Dennis Faulkner  
Dr John Drury  
Elizabeth Rasskazova  
Eugenie Small  
Eve Salomon & Stephen Whittle  
Garth Haythornthwaite  
George Wilkinson  
Harold Marchant  
HM Sassoon Charitable Trust  
J M Dando  
J R Grundon  
Jeremy Orme  
John Spall  
John Watson  
Kenneth Emberton  
Martin Humphries  
Martin Orde  
Martyn Holland  
Mat Fraser  
Michael & Jacqueline Abbott  
Michael Craddock  
Mike Bright  
Mr & Mrs Peter Gerrard  
Neil Sanders  
Nicholas and Sarah Nops  
Oladipdo Agboluaje  
Patrick Ridley  
Peter Bassett  
Peter Mudford  
Robert Hanbury  
Roger Gibbs  
Ronus Foundation  
Sir John Aird  
Timothy & Margaret Cawkwell  
William Dieneman  
William Trower