Aims of the taskforce
The intention to create a Freelance Task Force was initially laid out in this open letter to theatre and performance makers. Initiated by producing company Fuel, 100 sponsoring organisations are now supporting the Freelance Task Force to strengthen the influence of the 70% of the theatre and performance workforce that are self-employed, and ensure that they are represented in vital conversations about how the sector responds to and recovers from the current crisis.
The taskforce so far
The task force is made up of 160 freelance theatre workers. The members of the taskforce inherited no existing structure or guidance as to how they may operate and it has taken time to find ways of communicating and working together.
On Wednesday 15 July 2020, the Task Force held a four-hour open space meeting (facilitated by Improbable) to decide what they wanted to work on and what we could achieve together. Here you can Read the Collected Reports (PDF) from that meeting.
Since then many driven working groups have formed to lobby the government, create systemic change in our industry through conversations with organisations, unions and venues and support freelancers now.
The Freelance Task Force and Brixton House
Brixton House is sponsoring Joana Nastari to take part in the Freelance Task Force. Joana is a Brixton House Associate Artist, a freelance theatre artist and a precarious workers union organiser with UVW.
Joana is available for:
- Informal chats about how you are coping in this time.
- Hearing thoughts and feedback on what has to change about our industry for you as a freelancer to recover from this crisis.
- Giving support on funding applications and point you in the direction of other practical support.
- Questions and updates regarding what the Freelance Task Force is up to.
- Organising advice sessions with Arts Council England about their funding streams.
- Any other conversations about how freelance theatre workers can be supported.
You can reach her at @joananastari or [email protected].
Other ways to keep in touch with the Task Force
Follow @FreelanceTforce on Twitter.
Search the #FreelanceTaskForce hashtag.
Email [email protected]
Sign up to Leo Wan and Leigh Toney’s mailing list for other #FreelanceTaskForce news. Leo and Leigh are sponsored by the RSC. They are also holding weekly forums on Zoom – more information here.