Change Tempo

12 October-13 October

Dance Umbrella is thrilled to bring three international artists to Brixton House.

A triple bill presented by Dance Umbrella in partnership with Brixton House


Dance Umbrella is thrilled to bring three international artists to Brixton House for a mixed bill exploring themes of transformation, transmission and representation. Book for all three shows playing back to back in a triple mixed bill for £17, £12 concessions.

Change Tempo is part of Dance Umbrella’s 2022 festival which runs from 7-31 October. Find out more here.

The Shows

O Samba do Crioulo Doido 

Photo credit © Gil Grossi

In the radical solo work, O Samba do Crioulo Doido, choreography is passed from one Black body to another as Luiz de Abreu and Calixto Neto use dance as a means of deconstructing racialised identities. 

Creative Team

Design, Direction, Choreography, Scenography, Costumes, Production – Luiz de Abreu 
Interpreter – Calixto Neto 
Artistic collaboration – Jackeline Elesbão, Pedro Ivo Santos, Fabrícia Martins 
Lighting Design – Luiz de Abreu, Alessandra Domingues 
Stage Manager – Emmanuel Gary 
Soundtrack – Luiz de Abreu, Teo Ponciano 
Production and Distribution Julie Le Gall 
Executive Production (since April 2022) – VOA 
Executive Production (for the premiere in 2020 and until March 2022) CND Centre National de la Danse 

Co-production: Centre chorégraphique National d’Orléans, Charleroi Danse, Teatro Municipal do Porto. 
Re-enactment residencies at Casa Charriot, Espaço Xisto Bahia, Casa Rosada. 

O Samba do Crioulo Doido was created in its initial version in 2004, as part of the Rumos Itaú Cultural programme. 


Photo credit © KatjaRenner, 2016.

Joy Alpuerto Ritter’s solo BABAE is inspired by the “masterpiece of strangeness”, Mary Wigman’s Witch Dance. Joy combines inherited vocabularies rooted in Philippine folk dance, classical, hip hop and vogue.

Creative Team 

Choreographer/Dancer Joy Alpuerto Ritter 
Music Composer – Vincenzo Lamagna  
Lighting Designer Arne Schmitt, Joy Alpuerto Ritter  
Technical Assistant – Fabian Bleisch 
Costume – Lan Behrendt DYAO 
Artistic Assistant – Lukas Steltner  

Supported by Sophiensaele Berlin and Tanzfonds Erbe. 


A Cie INside Out show

Photo credit © Patrick Lombaert

In what was her first breakthrough solo creation, Linda Hayford uses popping to communicate her state of mind in the introspective Shapeshifting. Working with composer Abraham Diallo, Hayford’s evocative style conjures an otherworldly existence as she passes from one form to another.

Creative Team 

Choreography and Interpretation Linda Hayford 
Music – Abraham Diallo 
Lighting Design – Ydir Acef 
Artistic Consultants – Salomon Baneck-Asaro, Anne Nguyen 
Costume Linda Hayford 
Production – Garde Robe 
Executive production – Collectif FAIR-E / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne 

The Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, directed by the collective FAIR-E, is an association that receives grants from the Ministry of Culture (Direction régionale des Affaires culturelles / Bretagne), the city of Rennes, the Regional Council of Brittany and Ille-et-Vilaine Departemental Council. 

Co-productions: Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines – Fondation de France – La Villette 2016, Le Triangle, Cité de la danse – Rennes, Le Pont des Arts – Centre culturel de Cesson- Sévigné, Cie Engrenage. With the support of the DRAC Bretagne under the project aid 2016 and Rennes Métropole

No performances currently available.